A New You Fitness Resolution
Released on = January 10, 2006, 11:38 am
Press Release Author = Fitness Trainers To Go Inc.
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Hands down, the most common New Years resolution, year after
year is the optimistic dream that this will be the year to shed that extra weight.
As 2006 dawned, Americans vowed that this year they would drop those extra pounds,
get to the gym and fit back into their skinny jeans. Unfortunately, often by spring,
most resolutions have been broken or forgotten.
Press Release Body = Dallas, TX, January 11, 2006 -- Hands down, the most common New
Years resolution, year after year is the optimistic dream that this will be the year
to shed that extra weight. As 2006 dawned, Americans vowed that this year they
would drop those extra pounds, get to the gym and fit back into their skinny jeans.
Unfortunately, often by spring, most resolutions have been broken or forgotten.
Fitness resolutions are important beyond their physical appeal. Recent studies have
shown that the cause of death for many Americans is increasingly connected to
health-related causes such as overeating, smoking and lack of exercise. Fitness
resolutions can be difficult to maintain, however, if the resolution is not made
with careful consideration.
"You can't be forced to workout," said Fitness Trainers To Go Founder and CEO
Robert Korngiebel. "In order to truly become healthy and physically fit, you have
to have a sincere commitment."
Experts agree that so-called "secrets" to keeping a resolution include a strong
commitment to change, accountability and a record of progress. These tips are all
the more important when the goal is to lose weight, trim your figure or adapt a
healthy lifestyle.
"Fitness is a way of life and a lifestyle change," said Nicole Masden, a personal
trainer with Lady Trainers To Go, who holds a BS in exercise science. "When it
comes down to the changes you want to make in fitness it's important to get started
and never quit."
Common motives for abandoning an exercise program include lack of motivation,
boredom and failure to know where to begin. For these reasons, Masden suggests the
following advice for beginning a new lifestyle, sticking with it and ultimately
seeing those desired results:
1. Workout with someone (a friend or personal trainer) to help keep you accountable.
2. Listen to music to help the time go by faster.
3. Keep track of completed workouts to see your progress and improvement.
4. Invest your money into your workout and yourself. The decision to become
physically fit is life changing. This is not an area where you want to cut corners.
Fitness takes hard work and dedication but the results can include lengthening your
lifespan and creating a body that you are proud to show off. Stop making excuses.
Now is a great time to commit to a new you in the New Year
Web Site = fitnesstrainerstogo.com
Contact Details = Robert Korngiebel||3100 Carlisle #118||Dallas ,
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